Towards Carbon Neutral Municipality
Lempäälä joined the Network of the Carbon Neutral Municipalities (HINKU in Finnish) in October 2018. HINKU’s goal is to reduce emissions 80 % by 2030 from 2007 levels. HINKU network consists of 70 municipalities and its growing every year.
Cooperation is required to achieve our goal. Therefore, Lempäälä acts together with Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY), the Tampere Region and Tampere City Region.
Lempäälä has a strategy, which helps the municipality to achieve the targets. The strategy includes plans for the whole municipal organisation. Along with the strategy, each department will do their own strategy where they list detailed goals of the department. For example, the Urban Environmental Department has listed following goals: to calculate the emissions, to improve recycling in the office and to improve the system how the municipality could help the residents with the issues of the climate and energy.
The municipal organisation has already achieved many climate and environmental targets. For example, Lempäälä uses 100 % green electricity and the number of buildings where the municipality uses green energy is rising.
To achieve the Carbon Neutral target the municipality organisation needs to involve the whole municipality (residents, firms and local organisations) to reduce emissions. A good example how the residents could take part is to use public transport and recycle.
Let’s do this together!
#hinku #lempäälä #edelläkävijä #kyllä