Daycare and education
Lempäälä has 14 municipal daycares. Our early childhood education services offer full time daycare with a variety of options. All children under five are eligible for daycare services.
An application for your daycare of choice must be submitted at least 4 months prior to the expected starting date. Applications are handled on the net.
Preschool education
Every children is required to go through preschool education the year before they start comprehensive education. Preschool last one year and is free of charge. The municipality will assign each preschooler a preschool based on their residential area.
If the preschool is not within 5 km of the child’s residential area the municipality is required to provide transportation to the preschool.
Comprehensive education
Comprehensive education begins the year the child turns seven and it is compulsory
Enrollment to comprehensive school happens in January the same year the child starts comprehensive school.
The student’s guardians will have their WILMA usernames provided via email when the child begins preschool. WILMA is a student information system used to communicate between the school and the guardians. The parents must inform the school of any changes to the student’s information immediately after the changes take effect.
New students moving to Lempäälä should contact the school or the educational administration.
Upper secondary education
Upper secondary education in Lempäälä is organized at Lempäälän lukio (Lempäälä upper secondary school).
For further information concerning applying for upper secondary education visit
Vocational education
Vocational education is organized by TREDU at Lempäälä upper secondary school.
For further information concerning applying for vocational education visit